awww.. seth tan i ♥ eu !
Monday, 6 June 2011 | 06:06 | 2 star
hyep pinky bloggy diary,taraaa . . . . . .: nora elena on slot akasia tv3 :. sindarela dunt know y la, everytyme tinguk cita ney, mesti cm syiok2 sendiri.. ahahaha :D suka cngt2 tgk both of pelakon ni lam cta ney.. seth tan of coz.. (: he so loving, caring and responsible husband as well. eventhrough, nora ni cam ego la sikit, tp dia still sbr layan perangai wife dya tuh.. waaaa... besh nya la law dpt husband cam gnie ( .: actually cita ney is based from this novel la :. .: that's my hero : seth tan :. so emcem boy kn diary.. huhu .... Law dpt husband cam gnie kan best... AHAHAHA... ( hopefully d ending of this story is super dupper fabuolous.. ehehehe . . . . . (: - sindarela anisah a.k.a nora elena- ( |